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Beta Reader Quotes

"I really enjoyed your novel Encore. I thought it was brimming with mystery, Gothic elements and intrigue. You are dealing with very advanced themes and structure throughout your manuscript. If you have never read Shutter Island, I suggest you read it. In terms of style, genre, and plot this book is very similar (but in a good way)." - Victoria "I have never read anything so intricate, intelligent and intuited. I found your writing very beautiful. " - Johnson

"It’s not often that a character can make me that invested in him/her and want to fight for or defend them. These are the type of characters that we (readers) are quick to tell our friends about because they cause a real emotional response. Having read my fair share of Gothic romances, I can say that you’ve done a beautiful job sticking with the troupe and creating a world that ties in the magical with the darkness of reality. "She reminded me of the woman in The Yellow Wallpaper. It was like watching her fall apart slowly until I thought she wasn’t going to make it out of there intact." - Melissa "I would say Gothic Romance as the primary genre and then something with suspense or thriller as the secondary. I really enjoyed the book, and having read many of the books Miriam mentions in the story, I feel like it's right in line with those (Wuthering Heights, Frankenstein, Rebecca, etc.) You did a great job of setting the tone and the emotions for the Gothic element. It was really great reading for this time of year! "Overall, I definitely enjoyed the book a lot. I loved the Gothic feel and all of the creepy elements that go into it making it resemble the same feel as Frankenstein, Dracula, or even Rebecca. I didn’t see a lot of the twists and turns coming, or at least didn’t have a good idea of what might happen, so it was definitely well thought out. I thought the pacing was really good " - Amy


For all of my novels, I employ multiple professional Beta Readers, Editors, Proofreaders, and a Formatter to make your reading experience as pleasant as possible.

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