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About Remember to Recycle and The Agents of the Nevermind Series



Remember to Recycle has professional reviews -- 5 stars from Publishers Daily and RECOMMENDED status from US Review of Books, glowing review in, a 5 star revieiew by Readers' Favorite, and its first 54 Amazon customer reviews, adding up to 4.6 stars. Compared to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Illuminatus Trillogy, Carson McCullers, George Orwell, and pointing out the resonance with the work of Alex Constantine.

Amazon Customer Reviews were removed for some unknown reason. 82 remaining for Glossollia, with comparisons to Lynch, PKD, Burroughs, etc. Blog and Pro reviews are also complimentary, with multiple 5 stars. See reviews here.

Radio Shows


Tantra is interviewed from time to time on the radio about her books and the topics in them, including mind control and propaganda. Because the topics are controversial, They aren't linked here but if you're interested in listening to a show, or interviewing on your own show, you may contact her.

Sales and Award


Glossolalia has ranked number 8 in Political Thrillers, 9 in Assassination Thrillers, and 14 in Conspiracy Thrillers. Glossolalia also won Readers Favorite Gold Medal.





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Image Credits

Recycling image on cover by Troutlake
Woman in frame on cover by Pac
Interior images by spdcreationz

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